The League are currently looking for help in two areas to promote the furtherance of the sport across the borough.
1. Tournament organiser(s). The F & GP committee has organised an inter-club tournament this season in an effort to replace the Handicapped Knock Out Tournaments of pre-Covid years. Linda Smith and Dan Jackson have set this new tournament up, but the League really needs another person to lead any future tournaments that it will hold, and would welcome some volunteers.
For further information about the competition organiser position please download the info page HERE.
2. Junior League Representative. The F & GP committee is very keen to develop more Junior participation in Wirral. Our development group led by Andy Meredith is helping to promote badminton and is working with Badminton England and Active Wirral to get this underway.
The F&GP committee would really appreciate some further help with the promotion and organisation of Junior events and promote the growth of junior badminton across the borough and would welcome appropriate volunteers accordingly.
For further information about the Junior representative position please download the info page HERE.
If you would like to help please email the League secretary, Deborah Salter at