Wirral Badminton

Play Enjoy Compete


League Badminton on Wirral since 1926

Welcome To Wirral Badminton

Learn to play

Social play

League Play

The Wirral Badminton League was formed for the 2004/05 season by an amalgamation of the three existing Leagues on Wirral – the Birkenhead, Hoylake and Wallasey Leagues.

Our aim is to organise competitive badminton on Wirral and provide opportunities for social play, club and junior development. 

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League and Social Players
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Years Of Wirral Badminton


Club Team Tournament success..

Congratulations and thanks to all teams who took part in the inaugural team tourney on Sunday 12th January 2025.. further details on our news page.

"Early Bird" Tickets now on sale for Presentation Night 2025

Tickets now on sale. Further details can be found HERE

Rock Ferry Badminton Club
Venue Change

Rock Ferry Badminton Club have confirmed that their venue has changed for the 2024 -2025 season. Club nights and matches will now take place at Hilbre High School sports hall, Frankby Rd, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 6EQ.

Bidston BC - New Players welcome

Bidston Badminton Club are welcoming new players at their new venue, Weatherhead High School. Club nights run on Wednesday’s between 7 and 9pm. For further information contact Club Secretary Tony Tunstall on 07540 525125 or e-mail bidstonbc@gmail.com

St Andrews (Meols) - New Players

St Andrew Meols are looking for experienced players to play at their club and if you are up for it – potentially matches.  Club nights are a Monday evening at St Andrews Church Meols in a 1 court hall, but as the club is small in number, there is not much sitting around between games! Matches are on a Wednesday at West Kirby Concourse 2 courts 8-10pm.  We have 2 mixed teams and a Ladies team.  As always in the badminton world – ladies are particularly welcome.
So anyone looking for a club and is interested in coming along to St Andrews please contact Sarah (Club Sec) 07879 614104 or Andy (Club Capt) on 07808 827837


The 2024 Wirral Badminton League Presentation Evening took place on Friday 26th April 2024. As well as presenting the Trophies and medals to this seasons divisional winners, the evening was also a celebration of the 20th season of WBL. Linda Smith (President) and Neil Cooper (Vice-president) made excellent speeches, summarising how the amalgamated league came about from the merger of the Birkenhead, Hoylake and Wallasey Leagues, and how the league has developed, over the years.
The trophies were kindly presented by representatives of the original donors of the cups – Linda Smith (Broadley Trophy), Neil Cooper (Wallasey St James Cup), Sue Marcks, Sarah Guest (Keith Warbrick Trophy), Dan Jackson (Colebourne Cup) and we were delighted that Pat Spencer was able to attend and present the David Spencer Cup.
The evening was a great success and thanks go to Dan, Linda, Andy and the F&GP Members for organising the event.


Wirral Badminton League

Wirral Badminton League

Compete on a league basis. Represent your club. Mens Doubles, Ladies Doubles, Mixed Doubles.

Social Play

Social Play

Organise a session. Find a local club. Meet fellow players. Enjoy the game.

Junior Badminton

Junior Badminton

Play the fastest racquet sport. Play at schools or at a local junior club. Junior coaching sessions. Join the pathway to senior badminton success.

There are different opportunities for all levels of badminton in the local area. Which one suits you?

smashing it

Badminton on Wirral For All Ages

Badminton at School

Does your Primary or Secondary school offer badminton either during or after school hours? Speak to your Head of PE to find out.

Junior Badminton/Coaching

Discover local Junior clubs in the area. Contact a local club to check for availability. Local Junior coaching. Organised and fun sessions with qualified coaches.

Senior Coaching

Develop your badminton skills and raise your standards for competitive play. Organised sessions with qualified coaches.

Social Play

Meet new friends. Join social playing groups either in local leisure facilities or part of an organised session such as No Strings Badminton.

Social Club Play

. Contact our local league clubs for social play availability.

Competitive League Play

Join a local league club. The Wirral Badminton League organises matches between September and April. Enjoy competitive play at the next level.

learn to play

"Getting the right balance between a child being coached and enjoying to play is so important. Junior players are the future of the Wirral League."

Janine Gregory
    Janine Gregory

    Parent & League Player

    "I really enjoy playing and having a great coach has been so important in my badminton development. I'm looking forward to playing competitively in the Wirral league and hopefully at county level as I get older"

    Finn Gregory
      Finn Gregory

      Junior Player

      "I would encourage everyone coming to this site to contact your local Primary or Secondary school or junior, social or league badminton club to check on playing availability. The future of a competitive local league is encouraging new players and putting them on a pathway to local badminton clubs."

      Andy Meredith
        Andy Meredith

        Wirral Badminton Development